Practical Training 24 Aug - 24 Nov 2009

Just finished my practical training at Ruang Design which was my dua pupu punya company. even it was my dua pupu punya company, working condititon was just like hell.. all of the pc are slow.. even kura kura pon lagi laju dari pc.. ahh.. pedulikan semua tu.. at least i manage to survive smpai habis. LOL. besides of that.. i was lucky to have an officemate that semuanya 1 kepala.. eventhou they like to mencarut (aku pon sama) tapi dorang & termasuk aku faham akan keadaan masing2.. hehee.. thats why kitorg mencarut sebab tu merupakan salah satu kitorg punya entertainment.. so, who cares.. haha.. nasib baik sempat amek gamba sama2 time practical sebab my boss tinggal his camera..

nota kaki: really thankfull to din, syafiq and faritz because u guys really help me alot during my internship. ade rezeki kita jumpa lagi


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